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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 28601-28700

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 28601-28700

번호                  용어                  해설

28601             straight-line mechanism            any mechanism that is designed to produce motion in a straight or nearly straight line over at least a portion of its cycle.

28602             straight-run                 gasoline in a petroleum refinery that has been produced from direct distillation of crude oil in a still and is very low in unsaturated hydrocarbons. Also, straight-run gasoline.

28603             straight-run distillation             a petroleum-refinery process that distills crude oil to produce straight-run gasoline.

28604             straight-tube boiler                  a boiler in which all the water tubes are straight and connected in parallel, so that they require appropriate connectors from the headers for circulation through the system. Also, HEADER-TYPE BOILER.

28605             straightway pump                    a pump designed to provide direct fluid flow through suction and discharge valves along a straight path.

28606             strain             a relative change in the dimensions of a body in response to an applied force, expressed as the ratio of the distortion of a body dimension to some undistorted dimension (not necessarily the same one); for example, a change in length in a given direction, per unit original length of the same or some other direction.

28607             strain ellipsoid             the locus of points in a homogeneously strained elastic solid that, prior to strain, lay on a unit sphere. The axes of the ellipsoid are the principal axes of strain. Also, DEFORMATION ELLIPSOID.

28608             strain energy               the energy stored in a body due to an elastic deformation, equal to the work done to produce this deformation. Also, ELASTIC ENERGY, POTENTIAL ENERGY OF DEFORMATION.

28609             Strain Gaug (왜게이지)              , 압력, 인장, 기타가 유사한 힘을 전기적신호로 변환하기 위한 계측 소자.  규소와 합금 같은 피에조저항 재질이 비뚤어지고 있는 경우, conductor (도체) 는 전기적인 저항의 변화를 받습니다. 이 전기적인 변화를 응용해, 기기에 더해진 비뚤어지기에 비례하는 압력과 기타의 힘을 계측하는 기기에, 규소 계측 소자가 이용됩니다.  금속또는 기타의 재질의 기초판자상에 엉덩이콘· conductor가 접합또는 형성된 기기에 있어서, 규소· conductor의 저항의 변화는, conductor내의 일그러짐만이 아니고, 기초 재료의 왜곡과 곡에 의해 생기는 conductor의 치수 변화에도인. 왜게이지라고 말하는 용어는, 검출앗센브리의 완성품, conductor를 접합한 구성, 기계적인 접합 방법, 다이아프램과 압력을 삭구 수단, 으로 적용됩니다.  왜게이지 검출 소자는, 일그러짐을 계측하기 위해서(때문에) 금속박, 규소, 비뚤어지기 wire가 이용되는 것이 있습니다.

28610             strain rosette               a set of intersecting lines on a surface along which strains are measured to determine the stress at the intersecting point; usually, strains on three intersecting lines are measured.

28611             strained-layer superlattice          a structure consisting of alternating layers of two different semiconducting materials, each several nanometers in thickness, in which a mismatch between the lattice spacings of the two materials is accommodated by elastic strains in the thin layers without the occurrence of mismatch defects.

28612             STRAINING                 거르기; 기계적인 접촉에 의한 여과

28613             strap hammer              a belt-driven hammer with the head slung from a leather strap.

28614             strapped magnetron                 a multicavity magnetron in which resonator segments that have the same polarity are hooked together by small conducting strips in order to minimize any undesired oscillation modes.

28615             strapping                    any collection or arrangement of straps.any collection or arrangement of straps. the material from which straps are made.the material from which straps are made.

28616             strapping table            a record of tank volume versus height; by measuring the liquid depth in a tank, one can read or interpolate the liquid's volume from such a table. Also, TANK TABLE.

28617             STRATIFICATION           성층화현상 ; 가벼운 액체가 무거운액체 위에 존재하는 동수역학적으로 안정한 상태로 되는 현상       층리 : 지층에서 볼 수 있는 암석의 층상의 배열 상태

28618             Stratification                Separating into layers.

28619             STRATIFIED CHARGE ENGINE                    다단점화기관

28620             Stratigraphy                Study of the formation, composition, and sequence of sediments, whether consolidated or not.

28621             STRATOSPHERE            성층권 : 지구 대기에서의 대류권 위에서 중간권의 아래까지의 기권

28622             Stratosphere                The portion of the atmosphere 10-to-25 miles above the earth's surface.

28623             stratospheric radiation              the infrared radiation generated by infrared exchange constantly occurring within the stratosphere

28624             STRATUM                   (지질의) . 지층 : 지표면에 퇴적하여 층을 이루고 있는 것

28625             stray capacitance          any undesired capacitance between circuit wires, between wires and the chassis, or between components and the chassis of electronic equipment.any undesired capacitance between circuit wires, between wires and the chassis, or between components and the chassis of electronic equipment. the capacitance that is introduced into a circuit by the leads and wires connecting the circuit components.the capacitance that is introduced into a circuit by the leads and wires connecting the circuit components.

28626             stray field                   magnetic flux leakage that spreads out from a coil and does no useful work.

28627             streak lightning           a lightning discharge exhibiting a single, usually straight, distinct channel.

28628             stream day                  a 24-hour operating period of a flow-processing unit in an industrial setting.

28629             streamer                     the initial stroke of a lightning discharge that, by generating an ion-dense area immediately ahead of itself, finds and establishes the path for subsequent strokes of lightning.

28630             STREAMLINE               유선 : 유체가 흐르는 진행 방향을 나타난 선

28631             STREET INLET              우수받이, =storm-water inlet

28632             strength          the ability of a material to resist stress without yielding or fracture, especially as described by the stress level at which it fractures or fails.  Acoustics. the maximum amplitude of a signal, giving a measure of the volume displacement produced by a sound source.

28633             stress             an external force that acts on a material and tends to change the dimensions of the material, by compressing it, stretching it, or causing it to shear.an external force that acts on a material and tends to change the dimensions of the material, by compressing it, stretching it, or causing it to shear. a description of this effect, expressed as the force per unit area acting on a material surface element (at an interior point or bounding of a continuum bulk) that has normal vector n, with the Cartesian force components fi = siknk (i,k = 1,2,3), where sik depend on position and time, but not on n; sik constitute the Cartesian components of the stress tensor.a description of this effect, expressed as the force per unit area acting on a material surface element (at an interior point or bounding of a continuum bulk) that has normal vector n, with the Cartesian force components fi = siknk (i,k = 1,2,3), where sik depend on position and time, but not on n; sik constitute the Cartesian components of the stress tensor.

28634             stress amplitude          one-half the algebraic difference between the maximum and the minimum stress imposed on a test object in one fatigue test cycle.

28635             stress concentration                 high localized stress intensity at a geometric discontinuity of a body, as in the vicinity of a notch or hole or at a change in the diameter of a shaft. The maximum stress can be many times higher than the stress value when there is no geometric discontinuity.

28636             stress crack                 an internal or external crack developed in a body due to tensile, compressive, or shearing loads.

28637             stress difference          the difference between the largest and the smallest of the three principal stresses.

28638             stress ellipsoid             a mathematical representation of the state of stress at a point when all the principal stresses are positive. The directions of the semiaxes of the ellipsoid represent the principal directions of stress, and the distance from the center of the ellipsoid to the surface along any direction is inversely proportional to the square root of the normal stress at the point along that direction.

28639             stress function             a function or functions that uniquely describe the stresses in an elastic body as a function of position; for example, Airy's or Maxwell's stress function.

28640             stress intensity             the extent of stress at a single given point.

28641             stress range                the algebraic difference between the maximum and minimum stress in a periodically varying stress field.

28642             stress ratio                  the ratio of the minimum stress to the maximum in fatigue testing.

28643             stress tensor               a second rank tensor with its Cartesian components designated as sik (i,k = 1,2,3), whose three diagonal components (i = k) represent normal stresses, and whose off-diagonal elements (i  k) represent shear stresses.

28644             stress-concentration factor                       the ratio of the greatest stress at the site of a stress concentration to the average stress over a cross-sectional area; depends on the geometry of the flaw and of the stress component, but not on the properties of the material

28645             Stressors                     Physical, chemical, or biological entities that can induce adverse effects on ecosystems or human health.

28646             stretch            the extra length of oil-well casing or tubing when it is suspended freely in a fluid.

28647             stretch former             a machine used for stretch-forming operations.

28648             stretch forming            a material-forming process in which a sheet is heated until it exhibits plastic flow and then wrapped about a die that defines its shape as it cools. Also, WRAP FORMING.

28649             STRETCHING VIBRATION           신축진동

28650             striation          in low-pressure gas discharge, a phenomenon by which alternately luminous and dark striae are formed in the line between electrodes; sometimes observed in the positive column of a glow-discharge tube near the anode.

28651             striation technique                   a method of producing a visible image of a sound wave pattern by taking advantage of the ability of a sound wave to refract light.

28652             striking potential          the voltage necessary to start an electric arc.the voltage necessary to start an electric arc. the lowest grid-to-cathode potential value at which plate current begins flowing in a gas-filled triode.the lowest grid-to-cathode potential value at which plate current begins flowing in a gas-filled triode.

28653             string             a term for a solid body whose cross-sectional dimension is very much smaller than its longitudinal dimension, and which has no stiffness.

28654             string milling               a time-saving milling technique in which work pieces are mounted in a row and milled in sequence by a single cutter or series of cutters.

28655             string shot                  a method of stimulating an oil well by firing a string of explosive opposite the producing zone down a wellbore, removing deposits such as gypsum, mud, and paraffin from the formation face.

28656             stringing                     the connecting of lengths of tubing or casing so that the resulting string is long enough to reach a desired depth in a borehole.

28657             strip-borer drill            a skid- or caterpillar-mounted drill that is operated by an electric motor or diesel engine and used to bore blasting holes having diameters of about 5 inches and depths up to 100 feet.

28658             Strip-Cropping             Growing crops in a systematic arrangement of strips or bands that serve as barriers to wind and water erosion.

28659             stripline          a strip transmission line that has a conductive center strip separated from two outer conductive sheets by dielectric strips.

28660             Strip-Mining                A process that uses machines to scrape soil or rock away from mineral deposits just under the earth's surface.

28661             stripper rubber            a pressure-activated seal used in a low-pressure well to control gas pressure in the casing-tubing annulus during insertion or withdrawal of tubing.

28662             stripping analysis                        determination of metals by the electrodeposition and then stripping away from an electrode, usually a hanging mercury drop, by measurement of stripping current or by weighing the metal deposited.

28663             stripping reaction                    a reaction in which a high-energy deuteron grazes the edge of a target nucleus so that the deuteron's proton is stripped off, to be captured in the target nucleus or deflected by a magnetic field, as in a cyclotron, while the neutron continues in a straight path with most of its initial momentum; useful in determining the angular momenta of nuclear states.

28664             strobe            a shorter term for a strobe light or a stroboscope.

28665             strobe circuit               a circuit that generates an output pulse only at certain times or under certain conditions; for example, a gating or coincidence circuit.

28666             strobe light                 a lamp that is capable of producing an extremely brief and intense flash of light; used in conjunction with a stroboscope, as in high-speed photography of rapidly moving objects.a lamp that is capable of producing an extremely brief and intense flash of light; used in conjunction with a stroboscope, as in high-speed photography of rapidly moving objects. a similar bright, flashing light used for visual effects, as for a theatrical performance, rock concert, and so on.a similar bright, flashing light used for visual effects, as for a theatrical performance, rock concert, and so on.

28667             strobe marker              a small bright spot, a short gap, or some other discontinuity produced on the line trace of a radar display to indicate the part of the time base that is receiving attention.

28668             strobe pulse                a pulse whose duration is less than the time period of a recurrent phenomenon; used for making a close investigation of that phenomenon; the frequency of the strobe pulse bears a simple relation to that of the phenomenon, and the relative timing is usually adjustable.

28669             strobe speed               the rate at which a strobe light emits its brilliant flashes of light. Also, strobe frequency.

28670             stroboscope                a device that uses a strobe light to measure the speed of a rotating shaft or machine; when the strobe speed is equal to the rotation speed, the rotation appears to stop.a device that uses a strobe light to measure the speed of a rotating shaft or machine; when the strobe speed is equal to the rotation speed, the rotation appears to stop. a device that brings a moving object into view by alternately illuminating it with an intense light and blocking the light with a shutter; capable of making high-speed vibrations visible.a device that brings a moving object into view by alternately illuminating it with an intense light and blocking the light with a shutter; capable of making high-speed vibrations visible.

28671             stroboscopic               relating to or shown by means of a stroboscope.

28672             strobotron                  a cold-cathode, gas-filled arc-discharge tube containing one or more internal or external grids; used in a stroboscope to start current flow and produce intensely bright flashes of light. Also, stroboscopic tube.

28673             stroke             a penlike motion of an electron beam in cathode-ray-tube displays.

28674             stroke density              the number and density of lightning discharges in a given area at a given time.

28675             stroke-bore ratio          the ratio of the distance traveled by a piston in a cylinder to the diameter of the cylinder.

28676             Strombolian or strombolian                      describing a volcanic eruption characterized by the ejection of fire fountains of fluid lava from a central crater, and consisting of a continuous series of low- to moderate-intensity explosions that emit scoria along with a white vapor cloud. Thus, Strombolian-type eruption. (From Stromboli, a noted volcano on an island off the northeastern coast of Sicily.)

28677             strong acid                 an acid that dissociates completely into ions in a given solvent.

28678             strong base                 a base that dissociates completely into ions in a given solvent.

28679             strong electrolyte                     a compound that is completely or largely dissociated in an aqueous solution; most soluble mineral salts, such as sodium chloride or potassium nitrate, are strong electrolytes.

28680             strontium-90               a heavy radioactive isotope of strontium with a half-life of 29.1 years, formed as a fission product and present in the fallout from nulear explosions; it poses a significant hazard in humans and animals because, like calcium, it can be assimilated and deposited in the bones.

28681             Strouhal number          a dimensionless number used in the study of a vibrating body in a fluid flow; equal to a characteristic dimension of the body times the vibrating frequency, divided by the relative fluid velocity. Also, REDUCED FREQUENCY.

28682             structural deflection                 any deformation or movement of a structural member from its original position.

28683             Structural Deformation                Distortion in walls of a tank after liquid has been added or removed.

28684             structural drill              a diamond or rotary drilling apparatus mounted on a truck for mobility; used to drill holes to obtain information about the composition of subsurface strata. Thus, structural drilling.

28685             structural formula                    a molecular formula that shows the order of atoms in the molecule; a plane representation of the atomic arrangement of the molecule.

28686             structure invariant                    a Bragg reflection or group of Bragg reflections whose phase angles do not change when the origin of the unit cell of a crystal is changed.

28687             STRUCTURE-BORNE NOISE                      구조기인소음 , 구조체 소음

28688             stte party monitoring body                      국별 모니터링기관

28689             STTF               Small Town Task Force (EPA)

28690             stub               an impedance matching device consisting of a short section of transmission line, either open or shorted at its far end, and connected in parallel with a transmission line whose impedance is to be matched to an antenna or a transmitter

28691             stub axle                    an axle designed to carry only one wheel.an axle designed to carry only one wheel. a dead axle that carries the wheels and the swivel pins of a vehicle.a dead axle that carries the wheels and the swivel pins of a vehicle.

28692             stub tube                    a short tube attached to a pressurized vessel for connecting additional piping or equipment, if necessary.

28693             stuffing          grease or other lubricating material forced into a stuffing box and sealed. Also, PACKING.

28694             stuffing box                a box containing lubricating materials, positioned around a piston rod or valve. Also, PACKING BOX.

28695             stuffing nut                 a nut used to seal and adjust the lubricating pressure in a stuffing box.

28696             Styene            스티렌은 인조 화학물질이다. 또한 vinybenzene, ethenybenzene, cinnanene, phenylethylene으로 알려져 있다. 이것은  쉽게 기화되고 달콤한 향이나는 무색의 액체이다. 종종 강력한 불쾌한 냄새가 나는 다른 화학물질을 포함하기도 한다.        일부 액체에서 용해되지만, 물에서는 쉽게 녹지않는다. 매년 수십억 파운드가 고무, 플라스틱, 단열재, 유리섬유, 파이프, 자동차부품, 식료품컨테이너, 카페트 안감 등으로 만들어진다.        이러한 제품의 대부분은 결합하지 않은 스티렌뿐만아니라 긴사슬 (폴리스티렌:polystyrene)스티렌과 함께 결합되어 있는 스티렌을 포함하고 있다. 또한 과일, 야채, 땅콩, 음료수, 고기등과같은 다양한 종류의 음식에 항상 소량의 스티렌이 존재한다.        http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts53.html

28697             Styrene           스티렌은 인조 화합물질이다. 또한 vinylbenzene, ethenylbenzene, cinnamene, phenylethyene으로 알려져 있다. 이것은 쉽게 기화되고 달콤한 향이나는 무색의 액체이다. 종종 강력한 불쾌한 냄새가 나는 다른 화학물질을 포함하기도 한다.        일부 액체에서 용해되지만, 물에서는 쉽게 녹지 않는다. 매년 수십억 파운드가 고무, 플라스틱, 단열재, 유리섬유, 파이프, 자동차부품, 식료품 컨테이너, 카페트 안감 등으로 만들어진다.        이러한 제품의 대부분은 결합되지 않은 스티렌뿐만 아니라 긴 사슬(폴리스티렌:polystyrene)스티렌과 함께 결합되어 있는 스티렌을 포합하고 있다. 또한 과일, 야채, 땅콩, 음료수, 고기등과 같은 종류의 음식에 항상 소량의 스티렌이 존재한다.        http://www.atsdr .cdc.gov/tfacts/gov/tfacts/53.html

28698             SUASI-NEUTRALITY                  (플라즈마의) 준중성

28699             subalkaline                  describing an igneous rock containing no alkali minerals other than feldspars and having a lower alkali to silica ratio than alkaline rocks.describing an igneous rock containing no alkali minerals other than feldspars and having a lower alkali to silica ratio than alkaline rocks. describing a soil having a pH level between 8.0 and 8.5.describing a soil having a pH level between 8.0 and 8.5.

28700             subatmospheric heating system                a steam-heating system with a differential pressure controller and vacuum pump that maintains a vacuum differential between the supply and return of the system.



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



