환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 28301-28400
번호 용어 해설
28301 ◆ spurious modulation ◆ any unwanted modulation occurring in an oscillator, such as frequency modulation due to mechanical vibration.
28302 ◆ spurious response ◆ ㆍ a radio receiver response to a frequency other than the one to which the receiver is tuned.a radio receiver response to a frequency other than the one to which the receiver is tuned. ㆍ an undesired response from an electric transducer or similar device.an undesired response from an electric transducer or similar device.
28303 ◆ sputtering ◆ this phenomenon occurring in a cathode-ray tube, causing a dislocation of atoms or groups of atoms from the surface of the cathode.
28304 ◆ SQBE ◆ Small Quantity Burner Exemption
28305 ◆ SQG ◆ 소량발생원; 폐기물의 발생원중 일정규모이하의 소규모로 폐기물을 배출하는 배출업소를 규정한 EPA의 정의. Small Quantity Generators
28306 ◆ SQG ◆ Small Quantity Generator
28307 ◆ square engine ◆ an engine in which the stroke of the piston is equal to the cylinder bore.
28308 ◆ Square horizontal-flow grit chambers ◆ 정사각형 수평류식 침사지; 침사지의 종류
28309 ◆ square-jaw clutch ◆ a positive clutch having square- or perpendicular-sided teeth that mesh together when aligned.
28310 ◆ square-law detector ◆ a detector whose output voltage is proportional to the square of the radio-frequency input voltage; operation of this type of circuit is dependent on nonlinearity of the detector characteristic, rather than on rectification. Also, square-law demodulator.
28311 ◆ square-wave amplifier ◆ a resistance-coupled amplifier (in effect, a wideband video amplifier) that is used to amplify a square wave with a minimum amount of distortion.
28312 ◆ square-wave generator ◆ a signal generator that generates a square-wave or rectangular-wave output voltage.
28313 ◆ squaring circuit ◆ ㆍ a circuit that changes a sine or other wave into a square wave.a circuit that changes a sine or other wave into a square wave. ㆍ a circuit that contains nonlinear elements and generates an output voltage proportional to the square of the input voltage.a circuit that contains nonlinear elements and generates an output voltage proportional to the square of the input voltage.
28314 ◆ squaring shear ◆ a machine tool used to cut sheet metal or plate, consisting of a fixed cutting knife and another cutting knife mounted on the front of the reciprocally moving crosshead.
28315 ◆ squealing ◆ in a radio receiver, a high-pitched sound that occurs along with the desired signal; usually caused by interference between stations or oscillations in some receiver circuit.
28316 ◆ squeeze roll ◆ a machine that shapes material by passing it between two rollers.
28317 ◆ squegging ◆ a self-blocking condition in an electron-tube-oscillator circuit.
28318 ◆ squelch ◆ to quiet a receiver by reducing its gain in direct response to a specified input characteristic.
28319 ◆ squitter ◆ in radar, the random firing of the transponder transmitter in the absence of interrogation.
28320 ◆ SR ◆ Speical Review
28321 ◆ SRAP ◆ Superfund Remedial Accomplishment Plan
28322 ◆ SRC ◆ Solvent-Refined Coal
28323 ◆ SRES 시나리오(SRES scenarios) ◆ SRES 시나리오는 Nakienovi et al.(2000)에 의해 개발된 배출시나리오이며, 이 보고서의 제 9장에 있는 기후전망을 위한 기초로서 다른 것들 사이에서 사용된 것이다. 다음의 용어가 SRES 시나리오 집합의 구조와 사용에 대한 좀 더 나은 이해에 관련되어 있는 것들이다.
28324 ◆ SRF ◆ State Revolving Fund
28325 ◆ SRM ◆ Standard Reference Method
28326 ◆ SRP ◆ Special Review Procedure
28327 ◆ SRR ◆ Second Round Review. Submission Review Record
28328 ◆ SRT, SOLID RETENTION TIME ◆ 고형물 체류시간
28329 ◆ SRTS ◆ Service Request Tracking System
28330 ◆ SS ◆ Settleable Solids. Superfund Surcharge. Suspended Solids
28331 ◆ SSA ◆ Sole Source Aquifer
28332 ◆ SSAC ◆ Soil Site Assimliated Capacity
28333 ◆ SSC ◆ State Superfund Contracts
28334 ◆ SSD ◆ Standards Support Document
28335 ◆ SSEIS ◆ Standard Support and Environmental Impact Statement; Stationary Source Emissions and Inventory System
28336 ◆ SSI ◆ Size Selective Inlet
28337 ◆ SSMS ◆ Spark Source Mass Spectrometry
28338 ◆ SSO ◆ Sanitary Sewer Overflow; Source Selection Official
28339 ◆ SSRP ◆ Source Reduction Review Project
28340 ◆ SSTS ◆ Section Seven Tracking System
28341 ◆ SSURO ◆ Stop Scale, Use and Removal Order
28342 ◆ St. Venant's principle ◆ the principle that the effects of a system of forces which vectorially add to zero, when applied to a region of a solid, will only be felt in the vicinity of the region, decaying to insignificance with sufficient distance.
28343 ◆ stability ◆ in a power-generating system in which two or more synchronous machines are connected through an electrical network, the condition in which the relative angular positions of the machines' rotors either remain constant or (following a disturbance) become constant.
28344 ◆ stability constant ◆ an equilibrium constant for the formation of complex ions, used to calculate equilibrium concentrations of the complex and other reaction species.
28345 ◆ stability factor ◆ at any given point in an electrical system, the ratio of the stability limit to the nominal power flow, expressed as a specified quantity such as maximum load.
28346 ◆ stability limit ◆ the maximum power that can flow through a given point in an electrical system when the system is stable.
28347 ◆ stabilivolt ◆ a device consisting of a gas-filled tube containing a number of concentric, coated iron electrodes; designed to provide constant voltage for an electrical apparatus operating at low current.
28348 ◆ Stabilization ◆ Conversion of the active organic matter in sludge into inert, harmless material.
28349 ◆ stabilization ◆ feedback that is introduced into electron-tube or transistor-amplifier stages in order to reduce distortion, by making the amplification substantially independent of electrode voltages and tube constants.
28351 ◆ Stabilization Ponds ◆ (See: lagoon.)
28352 ◆ stabistor ◆ a diode component incorporating closely controlled conductance, controlled storage charge, and low leakage, as required for clippers, clamping circuits, bias regulators, and other logic circuits that demand tight voltage-level tolerances.
28353 ◆ stable ◆ relating to or displaying stability.
28354 ◆ Stable Air ◆ A motionless mass of air that holds, instead of dispersing, pollutants.
28355 ◆ stable equilibrium ◆ the condition of a system in equilibrium, such that any net force or torque that the system experiences will eventually restore the system to its original equilibrium state.
28356 ◆ stable isobar ◆ one of two or more stable nuclides having the same mass number but differing in atomic number.
28357 ◆ stable isotope ◆ an isotope that does not undergo radioactive decay.
28358 ◆ stable nucleus ◆ a nucleus that does not undergo radioactive decay.
28359 ◆ STABLE STATE ◆ 안정상태
28360 ◆ stable strobe ◆ a sequence of strobes that behave as if caused by a single jammer.
28361 ◆ Stack ◆ A chimney, smokestack, or vertical pipe that discharges used air.
28362 ◆ stack effect ◆ a pressure difference created by the impulse of a heated gas to rise in a vertical passage, as in a chimney or a small enclosure.
28363 ◆ Stack Effect ◆ Air, as in a chimney, that moves upward because it is warmer than the ambient atmosphere.
28364 ◆ Stack Effect ◆ Flow of air resulting from warm air rising, creating a positive pressure area at the top of a building and negative pressure area at the bottom. This effect can overpower the mechanical system and disrupt building ventilation and air circulation.
28365 ◆ Stack Gas ◆ (See: flue gas.)
28366 ◆ STACK TIP DOWNWASH ◆ 굴뚝세류현상(대)
28367 ◆ stacked plate reactor ◆ a reactor designed to promote large-scale growth of mammalian cells; circular glass or stainless steel plates are attached vertically to a rotating central shaft that is immersed in a growth medium.
28368 ◆ stacker ◆ a machine that may be hand, electrically, or hydraulically operated to lift objects on a platform or fork and arrange them in layers.
28369 ◆ stacker-reclaimer ◆ the machinery that transports and forms stockpiles of industrial materials, then recovers and transports the materials to processing plants.
28370 ◆ stacking ◆ the positioning of antennas or array elements one above another and connected in phase so as to increase the gain of the system. Molecular Biology. the lining up of neighboring planar purine and pyrimidine bases in a DNA double helix.
28371 ◆ stacking sequence ◆ the sequence in which close-packed planes are stacked; if the sequence is ABABAB, i.e., the atoms in the third plane are above those in the first plane, a hexagonal close-packed crystal structure is produced; if the sequence is ABCABCABC, a face-centered cubic structure is produced.
28372 ◆ stage ◆ ㆍ a circuit containing a single section of an electron tube or equivalent device, or two or more similar sections connected in parallel, push-pull, or push-push.a circuit containing a single section of an electron tube or equivalent device, or two or more similar sections connected in parallel, push-pull, or push-push. ㆍ one step of an amplifier, especially if part of a several-step process.one step of an amplifier, especially if part of a several-step process.
28373 ◆ stage gain ◆ the ratio of the output power of an amplifier stage to the input power, usually expressed in decibels.
28374 ◆ Stage II Controls ◆ Systems placed on service station gasoline pumps to control and capture gasoline vapors during refuelling.
28375 ◆ staggered tuning ◆ a method of producing a wide bandwidth by aligning successive tuned circuits to slightly different frequencies.
28376 ◆ stagger-tooth cutter ◆ a milling cutting tool having teeth with alternating helical angles; used for side milling.
28377 ◆ stagger-tuned amplifier ◆ a filter whose different sections are tuned to different center frequencies, in order to achieve an overall wider passband.
28378 ◆ stagger-tuned filter ◆ a filter consisting of a cascade of amplifier stages with tuned coupling networks whose resonant frequencies and bandwidths may be easily adjusted to achieve a specified transmission function.
28379 ◆ Stagnation ◆ Lack of motion in a mass of air or water that holds pollutants in place.
28380 ◆ Stakeholder ◆ Any organization, governmental entity, or individual that has a stake in or may be impacted by a given approach to environmental regulation, pollution prevention, energy conservation, etc.
28381 ◆ STALAPCO ◆ State and Local Air-Pollution Control Officials
28382 ◆ stall ◆ ㆍ of an engine that is in operation, to abruptly stop working, so that the vehicle or device it operates has no power.of an engine that is in operation, to abruptly stop working, so that the vehicle or device it operates has no power. ㆍ the occurrence of such a stoppage and loss of power.the occurrence of such a stoppage and loss of power.
28383 ◆ stall torque ◆ the limiting torque at which an engine or other rotating device will stall.
28384 ◆ STALO ◆ a highly stable, local radio-frequency oscillator used for heterodyning signals to generate an intermediate frequency in radar moving-target indicators; only echoes that have changed slightly in frequency due to reflection from a moving target actually produce an output signal. (An acronym for stable local oscillator.)
28385 ◆ stamp ◆ to exert downward pressure on a material, as to compress, shape, or mark it.
28386 ◆ stamping ◆ a general term for a pressing operation, such as shearing, blanking, drawing, bending, hot or cold forming, or coining.
28387 ◆ STANDARD ADDITION METHOD ◆ 표준물 첨가법 : 분석용액 일정 부피에 일정 양의 표준용액을 첨가하기 전과 후에 용액의 전위를 측정하는 방법
28388 ◆ standard atmospheric pressure ◆ a standard unit of atmospheric pressure that is taken to be the earth's normal air pressure at an altitude of sea level, equal to the pressure of a column of mercury 760 millimeters high (about 29.92 inches) and established as 10ㆍ325 kilopascals (ㆍ01325 × 105 newtons per square meter), or about 14.7 pounds per square inch. Also, STANDARD ATMOSPHERE, STANDARD PRESSURE.
28389 ◆ standard batch process reactor ◆ a bioreactor that was once commonly used to produce ethanol; now largely replaced by more advanced and efficient stirred tank reactors.
28390 ◆ STANDARD DEVIATION ◆ 표준편차 : 통계 집단의 단위의 계량적 특정값에 관한 산포도를 나타내는 도수 특정값
28391 ◆ standard electrode potential ◆ ㆍ the electrode potential of the standard hydrogen electrode, which is arbitrarily assigned as zero in order to describe the potential of other electrodes.the electrode potential of the standard hydrogen electrode, which is arbitrarily assigned as zero in order to describe the potential of other electrodes. ㆍ the electrode potential of an actual electrode in its standard state, expressed in relation to this. Also, standard electrode voltage, standard potential, standard reduction potential.the electrode potential of an actual electrode in its standard state, expressed in relation to this. Also, standard electrode voltage, standard potential, standard reduction potential.
28392 ◆ standard gravity ◆ the standard value of gravitational acceleration at sea level on earth, taken to be 9.80665 meters per second per second (or about 32 feet per second per second).
28395 ◆ standard noise temperature ◆ the standard reference temperature for noise measurements, set by convention at 290 K.
28396 ◆ standard pitch ◆ ㆍ an international standard frequency for a musical note; most commonly, 440 hertz for the note A on the treble clef.an international standard frequency for a musical note; most commonly, 440 hertz for the note A on the treble clef. ㆍ a standard tone, such as 1000 hertz, used as a reference for determination of an acoustic unit, such as the sone.a standard tone, such as 1000 hertz, used as a reference for determination of an acoustic unit, such as the sone.
28397 ◆ Standard rate digestion ◆ 표준 소화; 혐기성 슬러지 소화 공법
28398 ◆ STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL ◆ 표준기준물질; 정확히 농도를 아는 한두 개의 분석물질을 포함하는 시료를 분석해 보는 방법
28399 ◆ Standard Sample ◆ The part of finished drinking water that is examined for the presence of coliform bacteria.
28400 ◆ standard setting ◆ 기준설정
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